I have been an active member of the Medina County Republican Party for over 40 years (yes, I am ancient). Sometimes I have been a thorn in the leaders’ fingers or arms but I have always been  a loyal  Republican. This week I have to be more than a thorn. There have been several anonymous pieces of literature and fb/meta posts without disclaimers attacking one of our Republican candidates, Ohio State Representative Sharon Ray. After a lengthy and considerate discussion, the Executive Committee of the Republican  Party of Medina County unanimously passed a resolution condemning the recent vicious, slanderous, false and unlawfully labeled political postcards and text messages attacking Representative Sharon Ray. The identifiable party, Make Liberty Win, responsible for the mailing and messages, is a dark money, out of state hybrid PAC group using dirty campaign tactics and concealing the sources of donor money.


Due to ethics rules, I cannot endorse candidates. Do not ask me to.